Dove Go Fresh

08 July 2011
I'm well known with my obsession of toiletries and skin care products, i like to try alot and sometimes take a risk of having breakouts and rash! 
So I've been using this product for a while now (probably a year), and its very refreshing as much as its moisturizing. You can actually feel the "moisture" getting into your skin and settling there. And will keep you skin fresh and moisture until the next day. 

What i love about it is that you can feel a tingling sensation after showering and applying the body lotion, just the same feeling when you have mint in your mouth, but on your body! I hope you really know what i mean by this..its so refreshing and best used in a summery morning.
I use the cucumber with green tea body wash and lotion.
Dove go fresh body wash
Dove go fresh body lotion


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